Schroeder Moving

The Best Ways to Pack Fragile Items for a Move

Moving is characterized by many factors which can be stressful. Packing fragile items if one of the things that can stress you when you are moving. However, proper packing saves you from worrying about what will happen on the way. Fragile items need to be packed with extra care and attention to ensure they don’t reach their destination in pieces. This article will provide you with tips to pack like your fragile items like a pro to make your move smooth and stress-free.

Choose the Correct Packing Materials

Fragile items need to be packed in sturdy boxes. The box should be thick and built-in handles for proper handling. Use bubble wrap to provide extra layer of protection beneath the box. Small boxes are likely the best option for packing fragile objects because they are easy to carry and also restricts the item from movement. Select the right materials for different objects based on their size and fragility. For instance, a packing material for TV will be different from that of glassware. You can purchase them from the local stores but letting the professional movers provide them for you would be the best option. Schroeder Moving is a professional moving company that provides its clients with quality moving services and supplies for packing fragile items to make the move smooth. 

Use a Soft Layer to Pad Items 

Fragile items can easily break if they get in contact with hard surfaces. Wrap them in bubble wrap and packing paper for further protection. Fill all sides with soft materials to protect the fragile item from breaking when it gets into contact. Peanut packing can be used to pad the lower side of the box before placing the object inside. 

Put the Heaviest Items at the Bottom  

When doing grocery shopping, you would not put a carton of eggs under the bag of dog food. This concept applies to packing too. Consider placing the heavier items at the bottom and the light ones at the top. When loading, use the same concept too and putting the heavy items on the top of the lighter ones will definitely damage them. This philosophy protects your fragile items and keeps the boxes balanced during the move. 

Fill Hollow Items with Packing Papers 

For the hollow objects like vases, bowls and jars, fill them with packing paper to soften the vibrations and prevent cracks. You can tape the opening of your hollow items to make sure all fillers remain inside and wrap them in packing paper for extra protection. After putting the items in a box, ensure to fill the empty space with other soft materials like towels, packing peanuts of paper to prevent movement and collision. It is a bad idea to stack same size fragile items together because they can get stuck and break when trying to separate them. 

In conclusion, packing for a move is stressful but packing fragile items is more overwhelming. Fragile items need to be handled with care, packed professionally to prevent them from breaking when on transit. Invest in quality packing materials to make it easy to pack and move fragile objects. Pack the heaviest items on the bottom, fill hollow objects with papers and use soft pads to protect them from hard surfaces. 


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